Friday, August 29, 2014

Playground Guys Donation

Oh my goodness!  I totally forgot to mention that as part of our agreement with the Playground Guys they will be making at $17, 600 donation to the MPS Community Playground Fund!  Woohoo!  That bring us to $76,000!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Town Approves Funding

We are proud to announce this evening the Morinville Town Council has voted in favor of a $30,000 grant to support the construction of Phase I of the Morinville Public School Community Playground! The grant will be held in trust by the Town until such time as the PFA secures the remaining funds, grants, donations or otherwise. With this addition to our coffers we will be immediately moving forward with the grant writing process in hopes of securing the coveted CFEP grant.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Calahoo Meats Fundraiser

The PFA has a chance to place a Calahoo Meats order alongside our order of turkeys for the 4th Annual Turkey dinner.  This is a great company with extremely competitive prices!  They've got everything from chicken, to jerkey, beef, even some sides like perogies.  You can view (and print, if you so choose) the catalogue HERE and can place your order HERE.  Orders can be paid for by cash or cheque (made payable to MPES PFA) dropped off at the school (make sure to clearly label your payment so they don't get mixed up with school fees) or online by clicking the Paypal button below.  Orders must be placed no later than Sept 1st, though payments can be dropped off until the 5th. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Mabel's Labels Fundraiser

Shop at Mabel's Labels online and 20% of your purchase goes directly to the Playground Fund

"Founded by four moms, Mabel’s Labels is the leading provider of labels for the stuff kids lose!® Our award-winning products are extremely durable, laundry, dishwasher & microwave-safe and 100% guaranteed. Plus, they’re customizable and perfect for everything from school supplies to shoes, sports gear, clothes, bags & more!"

Click here to start shopping!