Wednesday, December 31, 2014

PFA Meeting Minutes: November 6th 2014

Meeting called by: Leah Elzinga, Chair

1.       Opening:6:57
2.       Additions or amendments to the agenda. (2 min)
a.       Adopt agenda: 1 Sarah, 2 Brandi
3.       Housekeeping (10 min)
a.       Priorities for PFA meetings
b.      Communicating with PFA (including social media and the blog)
                                                               i.      Communications for PFA exec will be done via email, however more casual conversations will be conducted through FB messages and open convos on the FB parents page
c.       Meeting agendas and minutes
                                                               i.      Agendas and minutes are posted online, emailed to the exec and posted to the PFA and Parents Pages
4.       14/15 Fundraisers (20 min)
a.       Parents were given the opportunity to bring forward any fundraisers they would like to vote on for either the winter or spring send-home fundraiser.  The options brought forward were:
                                                               i.      LaMontagne catalogue sales
                                                             ii.      Purdy’s chocolates:  Nadine & Sarah
                                                            iii.      Poinsettias
                                                           iv.      Little Ceasars pizza kits: Spring
                                                             v.      Millcreek Farms
                                                           vi.      Calahoo Meats: table until at least Dec
                                                          vii.      Poinsettias
b.      All parents in attendance were given the chance to vote for their top two each options for both the winter and spring fundraiser.  The fundraisers chosen were Purdy’s for winter, and Little Ceasar’s for spring, though Calahoo Meats was SUCH a close second, that an option of adding a third fundraiser will be strongly considered in the new year.
5.       Snowflakes and Stars Winter Market (10 min)
a.       Volunteer shifts were outlined and a signup sheet was passed around.  Volunteers will also be needed to purchase food and transport it either to Leah’s house or the hall.
b.      Last year’s menu will be duplicated HOWEVER we will plan on providing food for approximately 200 people as opposed to the 400 from the previous year.
c.       Storage room will be inventoried after the meeting regarding plates, bowls, napkins, etc.
6.       Meeting adjourned: 7:40

PFA Meeting Minutes: Dec 1st 2014

Meeting called by: Leah Elzinga, Chair

1.       Opening:6:57
2.       Additions or amendments to the agenda.
a.       Alicia Irving adds the Dragon Dash to #6
3.       Snowflakes and Stars Christmas Market
a.       Feedback: The concession was successful was again.  Though we only made a few hundred dollars. Approx. 20lbs of meat was purchased but could be scaled back to about 15 for next year.  We sold approximately 150 hotdogs.  Timmy’s provided the coffee again this year and “Free with donation” was a success.
4.       Purdy’s Chocolates
a.       Feedback
                                                               i.      600 catalogues were requested but only 450 were delivered so the youngest classes had to wait several days for their catalogues
                                                             ii.      Complaints re:the short time frame for the fundraiser
                                                            iii.      The fundraiser time line was short due to the decision being postponed, and the time needed by Purdy’s to ship, and their last available date for delivery being quite early
                                                           iv.      The orders came in on time, however several items were missing and volunteers had to pick them up from various retail locations.  Unfortunately, THOSE orders were also wrong, which necessitated extra trips
                                                             v.      Nearly $13000 worth of orders were placed, nearly $4k of which were online.  Nadine placed and filled all orders, and acted as the main contact between Purdy’s
                                                           vi.      Extra boxes were gifted to volunteers and used as thank yous for major PFA supporters
5.       Rotary Playground Presentation
a.       Leah presented to Rotary and it went very well.  Along with many local business owners were Simon Boersma, president of the Morinville Chamber of Commerce, Maureen Kubinec MLA, Minister of Tourism and Parks, and Councillor Gord Putnam
b.      Unfortunately our request was turned down.  It is suggested that we begin to foster a relationship with Rotary through volunteer requests in the future, as they would be a valuable long term partner for both PFA and the school.
6.       Snowflake Festival
a.       Donation Raffle
                                                               i.      A coat drive for Hope Mission and Food Bank drive will be organized.  Boxes will be wrapped in gift wrap and placed under the CCC tree.  For every donation, people will be given a ticket for a draw.  One draw per evening.  Prize provided by PFA from donations still in storage.
b.      50/50 Raffle
c.       Bakesale
                                                               i.      Organized by Dawn
d.      Volunteers
                                                               i.      Approximately 5 volunteers needed per night
e.      Decorations/Budget
                                                               i.      Approximately $200 budget
                                                             ii.      Dawn has already purchased decorations including fabric table cloths in black which can be washed and used from year to year
                                                            iii.      The plan is to slowly acquire more table cloths each year until we have enough to do large-scale events.  This is considerably less costly and wasteful in the longrun than the plastic/dollar store table cloths we had been using.
7.       Dragon Dash
a.       Alishia provides an update on the Dragon Dash
                                                               i.      Date has been confirmed as 10am, April 26th
                                                             ii.      Sponsorship for the protein bars has been confirmed
                                                            iii.      The Running Room is officially onboard
1.       They will provide all necessary equipment, from AV to tents and barricades
                                                           iv.      Registration is entirely online through the Running Room
                                                             v.      Registration will be $25 for early bird, $30 afterwards. Children under 10: FREE
                                                           vi.      ALL participants MUST register, including children
                                                          vii.      Registration tentatively capped at 150
                                                        viii.      Leah will provide graphics for flyers, etc
                                                           ix.      PFA empower Alicia and any subcommittee of her choosing to make any additional decisions except financial
                                                             x.      Financial decisions MUST be brought to PFA, but a special meeting may be called of the executive to approve any necessary payments
8.       Calahoo Meats
a.       The PEP LAC is doing a Christmas Calahoo Meat Fundraiser.  It is the general concensus that there is not a conflict and that PFA could still organized their own later in the year.
9.       Role of PFA within the MPS community
a.       Leah brought up the subject of the many different groups doing fundraising in relation to MPS, and how the PFA should fit into the mix in the future.
b.      It was discussed that most parent enjoy participating in the PFA’s “event-based” fundraisers much more than the “send home” type.
c.       Currently the PFA hosts (or co-hosts) the Snowflake Festival, the Sham-ROCK Family Dance, and the Community Carnival and will also host the Dragon Dash this year.
d.      It is suggested that we include 50/50 raffles at almost any event in order to bring in easy, steady income.  This might even include a raffle at School Council’s upcoming Family Movie Night
e.      Leah mentions the idea of doing an adults-only cabaret.  The general reaction is extremely positive.  Kathy suggests planning the event to occur sometime in early October or November of 2015.  This would allow the PFA to plan throughout the summer and begin promoting the event as soon as school is back in session.  One idea would be to have a burlesque performance with a bar, and cocktail appetizers.

10.   Meeting adjourned 8:05pm