In attendance: Sarah H, Danielle B, Rachel R, Nadine S, Stacey B, Monika N, Nicole B, Lauren G, Brandi R, Kathy K, Jo P, Dani M, Jay M, Jamie K, Leah E, Dawn M, Wayne Rufiange (Principal), Shawna Walter (Vice Principal),
Meeting Called to Order at 18:57hrs
1. Welcomes and Introductions
2. Review of Sept 15th Meeting
a. Sarah motions to approve the minutes as presented. Dawn seconds.]
3. Reports
a. Alishia I. reported that she contacted the Running Room and they were interested in partnering with MPS for a Fun Run at no extra cost to us, aside from medals. They do only have certain dates available. ____ also plans to contact the local grocers for food donations.
i. Sarah asked about concession and it was decided that having a concessions would depend on Carnival.
ii. Leah asked about making the run a joint venture with Carnival. Dawn was concerned about the volunteer aspect.
iii. Leah suggested May 2nd as a possible Run date. After a lengthy discussion, it was decided that we would table the issue for a later date.
iv. Leah made a motion to approve that we do the run. After a vote, motion was passed.
b. Mr Rufiange reported that the “We” day was going to cost $24 per person. There are 18 students and 2 adults planned to go
i. Fundraising letters will be distributed to help cover the cost
ii. Finding a suitable method of transportation was proving to be an issue. It was suggested to look into using the Morinville Town bus or the Sturgeon County bus.
Mr Rufiange reported on the cost of putting special water fountains into the school that would allow students and teachers to also refill water bottles. The cost was reported as $1050 per fountain.
i. Dawn offered to talk to her supplier and her electrician for acquisition and installation
c. Leah reported that $84,000 has been raised for the playground, with other grants still in progress
i. There is a meeting with Rotary slated for the 17th of November to present for the playground
ii. Jo inquired about inspection of current playground. Was advised to bring it back to School Council
4. New Business
a. PFA currently pays two-three teenaged girls $20/ meeting to mind the children. EA’s were reported to cost $20/hr.
i. Leah moved that PFA provide EA’s for childcare. After a vote, motion was passed.
b. Snowflakes & Stars Christmas Market is scheduled for November 22, from 10:00hrs to 16:00hrs
i. Last year $400 was raised
ii. In order to repeat this participation, volunteers are needed.
c. Leah proposed two fundraising campaigns for the fall and spring: Calahoo Meats in the winter and Devry Greenhouse for Bulbs and flowers in the spring
i. Purdy’s has been scrapped as a fundraiser
ii. Calahoo meats was proposed as an ongoing fundraiser with the ability to order all year long. After lengthy discussion over different fundraising ideas, the whole matter was tabled until the next meeting on November 3rd.
iii. Several other options for fundraising were brought forward, including Little Ceasars & LaMontagne. More information needed.
iv. Decisions regarding the choice of fundraisers was tabled until the Nov meeting.
Meeting Adjourned at 19:50hrs
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