Meeting called by: Leah Elzinga, Chair
1. Opening 7:22
2. Tupperware
a. MPS parent Kayla Feltham has offered to do a Tupperware fundraiser. The return would be 40%. PFA would be responsible for distributing forms, but Kayla would collect all funds, place and deliver orders.
b. There is currently a motion in place that prevents the PFA from participating in home-based business fundraisers, in order to avoid conflicts of interest.
c. Consensus is that while the details of the fundraiser are promising, it is still in the best interest of the PFA to uphold the previous motion.
3. Purdy’s Chocolates
a. Too short of a time frame. Next year, orders would be given approx. 3weeks, ideally, with orders being delivered to the school the first week of December.
b. There were no late orders and very little negative feedback from parents.
c. +$4k profit
d. $3500 in online orders alone
4. Snowflake Festival
a. Feedback
i. Bakesale was a huge success; $1200 profit
ii. Expenses were approx. $250 altogether, including decorations and tablecloths to be used year to year
iii. It is agreed that the PFA will continue with approx. the same budget each year, slowly building a collection of better quality, reusable decorations, etc.
iv. Parents seem to miss the fanfare of the silent auction/raffle
v. Coordinating next year’s features will depend largely on the way the concerts are developed by the school
5. Dragon Dash
a. Update
i. Date is confirmed as April 26th
ii. Numbers will be capped at 150 registrants
iii. Children under 10 are free, though ALL runners count as a registrant
iv. Protein bars have already been sponsored
v. Flyers are done and simply need to have confirmed sponsored added
vi. Potentially printed at Hunter’s, if a subsidy can be secured
vii. Rotary will be approached to provide volunteers; Sarah is looking at becoming a member soon, otherwise contact Nicole Boulanger’s father, who is a long term member
6. Set Dates
a. Movie Night
i. Jan 29th
ii. Tickets may be purchased at the door
iii. $2/ticket, $5 fun pack (ticket, popcorn, pop, candy bag)
iv. $3 plus and extra concession funds will go to PFA, ticket funds go directly to the school
v. Dawn will purchase popcorn bags
vi. Kathy and Nicole will make candy bags
vii. Forms will be sent home; Sarah will create flyers/forms
viii. Ticket money due Jan 22nd
ix. Guest List will be made up to keep track of those who pre-purchase tickets/snacks
b. Sham-ROCK Family Dance
i. 12th
ii. Kathy volunteers to purchase novelties
iii. Zumba
iv. Irish Dancing
v. Ask Sheldon Finglerwho his supplier is for industrial lighting
vi. If appropriate lighting can be found for purchase, PFA will approve it’s funding
7. Cabaret
a. Mid October
b. A sub-committee will be created
c. A venue will need to be booked ASAP
8. Meeting Adjourned